Adding a post-execution hook to the db:migrate task

A few days ago we discovered that our MySQL database’s default character set and collation had been changed to the wrong values. Worse yet, it looked like this change had happened many months ago; something which we had been completely unaware of until now! In order to make sure this didn’t happen again, we looked into adding a post-execution hook to the rails db:migrate task.

Our first attempt is shown below. Here, we append a post-execution hook to the existing db:migrate task by creating a new db:migrate task. In rake, when a task is defined twice, the behavior of the new task gets appended to the behavior of the old task. So even though the code below may give the impression of overwriting the rails db:migrate task, we are actually just appending a call to the post_execution_hook method to it.

namespace :db do
  def post_execution_hook
    puts 'This code gets run after the rails db:migrate task.'
    puts 'However, it only runs if the db:migrate task does not throw an exception.'

  task :migrate do

However, the above example only runs the appended code if the original db:migrate task does not throw any exceptions. Luckily we can do better than that by taking a slightly different approach. Rather than appending code, we are going to have a go at prepending it instead.

namespace :db do
  def post_execution_hook
    puts 'This code gets run after the rails db:migrate task.'
    puts 'It will ALWAYS run.'

  task :attach_hook do
    at_exit { post_execution_hook }


Here we make use of the enhance method to add db:attach_hook as a prerequisite task to db:migrate. This means that calling db:migrate will now cause the db:attach_hook task to get executed before db:migrate gets run. The db:attach_hook task creates an at_exit hook that will trigger our post-execution code upon exit of the db:migrate task. Hence, our post-execution hook will now get called even when db:migrate raises an exception!