Posts By Date
- Using random number generators to solve problems
- Ruby concurrency: building a timeout queue
- Ruby concurrency: in praise of condition variables
- Using DTrace to measure mutex contention in Ruby
- Ruby concurrency: in praise of the mutex
- How to write your own rspec retry mechanism
- The disaster that is Ruby's timeout method
- A javascript closures recap
- Understanding iostat
- Safer bash scripts with 'set -euxo pipefail'
- An introduction to javascript promises
- Unwanted spot instance termination in multi-AZ ASG
- Creating an EC2 Instance in a VPC with the AWS CLI
- Finding and deleting old tags in a Github repository
- Adding a post-execution hook to the db:migrate task
- Installing chromedriver
- Programmatically rotating the Android screen
- Programmatically creating Android touch events
- Some lesser known Github API functionality
- The amazing bitwise XOR operator
- A visual explanation of SQL joins
- Check the order of your rescue_from handlers!
- The javascript event loop
- Bug hunting with git bisect
- Why is MySQL converting my NULLs to blanks?
- Using environment variables in migrations
- Getting connection information with lsof
- Carefully converting your MySQL database to utf8
- Character set vs collation
- MySQL write locks also prevent reads
- Rails migrations and the dangers of implicit commits
- Iterating over a hash containing arrays
- URI.js and URL manipulation in rails
- The css !important keyword
- Finding models from strings with rails
- Retrieving data in a time range with rails
- The dig command
- Profiling rails assets precompilation
- Regarding if statement scope in Ruby
- EC2 instance cost comparison